The Department of Microbiology, Medical Faculty,
University of Indonesia (Micro-UI), Jakarta, is a
department responsible for teaching, research and
public service in the field of microbiology.
Micro-UI does not only involve in clinical
microbiology, but also in medically related food
microbiology, environmental microbiology, basic
microbiology, as well as studies on various kinds of
infectious diseases which are major public health
problems in Indonesia. Micro-UI is
recognized among Indonesian medical faculties as an
outstanding department, in term of institutional
research facilities and the availability of
scientists of excellent qualifications. As a
center of development in medical microbiology,
Micro-UI has not only gained a national reputation,
but its existence is also recognized
And since November 2011, Department of Microbiology
had been inaugurated as one of Ciptomangunkusumo
Hospital Department, named as Medical Department of
Clinical Microbiology. Hopefully that this
inauguration will encourage the role of clinical
microbiology laboratory in other hospitals.